ITF launches Seniors Tournament Recognition scheme | ITF

ITF launches Seniors Tournament Recognition scheme

Jamie Renton

10 Dec 2020

The ITF has today launched a tournament recognition scheme designed to reward and motivate organisers of ITF Seniors tournaments to deliver the best events possible.

The ITF Tournament Recognition award, which will be applied to selected tournaments from 1 January 2021 onwards, will highlight those tournaments that deliver exemplary events and receive the most positive player satisfaction.

While the overall standard of delivery and player satisfaction is very good across the ITF Seniors Tour, the new scheme will recognise the very best performing tournaments.

Tournaments must satisfy three criteria to be considered for recognition, including; a response rate of higher than 10% via a player satisfaction survey sent in the week following the tournament; a positive review of tournament delivery standards via the referee’s report; and timely submission and administration of the tournament application and supporting information.

Provided each of these criteria are met, tournaments who achieve the best overall player satisfaction score by grade and region shall receive the tournament recognition award.

Successful tournaments have already been selected for the 2021 season and can be viewed, along with more information on the criteria, here.

Tournaments will be commended via a letter and certificate of recognition from the ITF and will feature on the dedicated web page to the scheme on the ITF website. They will also see a badge of excellence placed alongside the event name on the both the tournament page and tournament calendar on the ITF website.

Matt Byford, Manager of the ITF Seniors Tour, said: “A great tournament experience is a very important factor for players and the Tour. Tournament satisfaction amongst the ITF Seniors community is consistently good across our 502 events and through this new initiative we recognise those tournaments that receive the very best levels of player satisfaction.

“We hope that this recognition motivates all tournaments to continue delivering a fantastic experience to players, and in turn help players identify tournaments that are renowned for providing an excellent experience.”