ITF statement: Australian government decision on Novak Djokovic's visa | ITF
ITF statement: Australian government decision on Novak Djokovic's visa

Credit: Paul Zimmer

Novak Djokovic (SRB) serves at the 2021 Australian Open

Credit: Paul Zimmer

Novak Djokovic (SRB) serves at the 2021 Australian Open

ITF statement: Australian government decision on Novak Djokovic's visa

14 Jan 2022

The ITF has issued the following statement regarding the Australian government decision relating to Mr. Djokovic's Australian visa:

“While the ITF respects the Australian Government’s decision, the situation with Djokovic is disappointing for everyone involved – not only for the player himself, but for other players, the tournament and the fans.

“As an organisation which hosted over 1900 international events all over the world in 2021, the ITF has first-hand experience of the huge challenges and rigour needed to navigate the pandemic and the regulations that vary country by country. These protocols need to be clearly communicated in a timely manner and the proper process must be respected by all for it to be effective.

“And while the ITF believes that full vaccination is a personal decision, we believe this is the responsible action we must all take in order to ease restrictions and avoid such occurrences happening in the future.”