What is the ITF Junior Tennis Initiative? | ITF
What is the Junior Tennis Initiative (JTI)?

Credit: Kosovo Tennis Federation

A child at the Kosovo Tennis Festival in Istog

Credit: Kosovo Tennis Federation

A child at the Kosovo Tennis Festival in Istog

What is the Junior Tennis Initiative (JTI)?

25 Aug 2022

The Junior Tennis Initiative (JTI) is the national 14-and-under junior development programme for a National Association, supported by the ITF. The JTI is a key part of the National Association’s player development pathway.

Download the JTI guidance document here

Great, so it's an initiative that puts rackets in hands - tell me more...

A national JTI provides opportunities for children around the world to pick up a racket for the first time, encouraging them to play in locally organised competitions and sessions within schools, the community and tennis venues to enjoy the sport. It is the launch point for many aspiring competitive players and a platform to introduce more talent to the game within a country’s national development programme.  

It provides opportunities for aspiring tennis coaches, school teachers and administrative organisers to become involved too, and these deliverers are key for driving increased participation in the sport. 

Despite ongoing challenges with Covid-19, activities as part of the JTI have continued to increase. 

So the programme gives talented young players a better chance of becoming professional players?

Exactly that. The JTI helps to feed players into international competition through the ITF World Tennis Tour Juniors, and then allows them to progress from there to the ITF World Tennis Tour and on to the elite levels of the game.

How does the ITF support nations with their JTI programmes?

In a number of ways; through financial assistance towards the salary of the country’s National JTI Coordinator’s which is administered directly by the respective National Association; through providing equipment to support the development of the national JTI within Primary Schools and tennis facilities (competition and development opportunities), as well as for the 14-and-under players competing and training in a performance environment; through access to the ITF Academy, the online platform from the ITF offering a variety of short courses and educational resources. And through the expert knowledge provided by the ITF Development Officers and recognised ITF experts.

Last year, we brought together JTI Coordinators, who run JTI activities across the world, from 103 nations at our National JTI Coordinator Global Workshop to support them in their work. They were also invited to learn more about grassroots tennis development through our ITF Participation Webinar, World Participation Conference and World Coaches Conference.

How many nations run JTI programmes? 

As of 2021, there were 142 active JTI nations, which included three new nations. 

How many kids are introduced to tennis in this way, through the JTI?

In 2021, 213,212 children were introduced to tennis (49% boys, 51% girls) through the JTI, up from 173,194 in 2020. There was a cumulative total of 193,231 competition entries (56% boys, 44% girls), up from 131,375 in 2020.

Playing opportunities were also provided at 3,570 primary schools and tennis clubs, up from 3,312 in 2020, with 6,090 school teachers and tennis coaches delivering tennis sessions, up from 5,273 in 2020.

Find out more about how the sport has grown through the ITF's activities over the past year through the 2021 ITF Annual Review