Wheelchair Tennis Player Council: Nominations and Elections | ITF
Wheelchair Tennis Player Council: Nominations and Elections

Tournament Thumbnail Wheelchair Hard 1

Tournament Thumbnail Wheelchair Hard 1

Wheelchair Tennis Player Council: Nominations and Elections

31 Jan 2025

In 2018 the Player Council was created by the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee to support the Committee and the ITF’s activities and provide a formal channel of communication from the player community.

With the 2023-2024 term of the Player Council coming to an end the Committee reviewed how best the Council can support the Committee’s strategic and operational goals and responsibilities. Going forward, the Council’s purpose (updates underlined) will be to:

• represent the interests of players across all adult divisions participating at the highest levels of ITF Wheelchair Tennis Competitions; and
• advise and make recommendations to the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee on issues of concern and opportunities for improvement for players participating at the highest levels of ITF Wheelchair Tennis Competitions, including but not limited to potential changes to the ITF Rules and Regulations.

A new Player Council will be appointed for the 2025-2026 period, ending 31 December 2026, which will continue to be administered by the ITF and will consist of:


Current Players

A Current Player is defined as having an active IPIN membership and a 2024 year-end top 30 ranking



A Coach is defined as holding a recognised coaching qualification, and must have coached or be coaching a player within the top 30 on the ITF Singles Ranking

Three Current Players (one from each division [men, women, quad]) will be elected by wheelchair tennis players who have an active IPIN.

The other three Current Players and the Coach will be appointed by the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Committee in accordance with the composition requirements set out in Schedule 1 and the eligibility requirements set out in Schedule 2 of the Player Council Terms of Reference.

Nominations & Election

Election of three Current Players for the new term will take place according to the schedule in the table below.

The period for submission of nominations for elected members of the 2025-2026 Player Council is now open, noting that all nominations must be endorsed by the player’s National Association.

Please find here the Player Council Terms of Reference, Nomination Form and 2024 Year-End Rankings.




Fri 31 Jan

Nomination period opens


Thu 13 Feb

Nomination period closes


Fri 14 Feb

Election period opens


Sun 23 Feb

Election period closes


Thu 27 Feb

Announcement of results to Players

The current (2023-2024) Player Council consists of the following members, with Lucy Shuker as Chair:
Name    Category Division
Lucy Shuker (GBR) (Chair) Current Player Women
Robert Shaw (CAN) Current Player Quad
Andrea D’Agostini (ITA) Current Player Men
Jane Ndenga (KEN) Current Player Women
Alfie Hewett (GBR) Current Player Men
Maikel Scheffers (NED) Current Player Men
Zhenzhen Zhu (CHN), Current Player Women
Nick Taylor (USA) Former Player  
Andrea Saggion (ITA) Coach  
In order to receive communication regarding the Player Council Elections, players must maintain an active IPIN subscription and update their e-mail address linked to their IPIN account.

If you have any questions on this process, please don’t hesitate to contact the ITF Wheelchair Tennis Department on wheelchair@itftennis.com.