ITF Frequently Asked Questions | ITF
Frequently Asked Questions: Coaching
Coaching FAQs

Find out more about the ITF's role in Coaching and Coach Education with our Frequently Asked Questions

I want to be an ITF coach. How do I become one?

The ITF does not certify coaches. Through the ITF Coaches Education Programme, the ITF assists national tennis associations which do not already have a certification system in place to run their own coaches courses. The ITF provides the recommended syllabus and the tutor but the certification obtained at the end of the course is a national association certification, not an ITF certification.

Where can I find an ITF coaching course?

ITF Courses are run through the national tennis association in each country and the qualification gained at the end of the course represents a qualification recognised by the National Association, not the ITF. The ITF do not certify coaches. Through the ITF Coach Education programme, the ITF assists national tennis associations which do not already have a certification system in place to run their own coaches courses. Contact the coaching section within your National Association to find out more.

When and where does the ITF Coaches Conference take place?

The ITF Worldwide Coaches Conference by BNP Paribas takes place every two years (in odd years 2017, 2019, 2021, etc.). Regional conferences are available in up to eight regions around the world during the alternate years (in 2016, 2018, 2020 etc.).

How can I attend the ITF Coaches Conferences?

Registration for the the ITF Worldwide Coaches Conference by BNP Paribas is available three-six months prior to the start of the event via the event page here. For Regional Coaches Conferences, coaches can contact their National Associations for information and registration details once the conferences have been announced.

What is the ITF Academy and who can register?

The ITF Academy is an online platform that offers information, education and certification courses to all ITF member nations, coaches, players, tennis support teams, parents and fans. Anyone with an interest in tennis can register, but only users endorsed by their National Association can complete the certification courses offered since they also include face-to-face learning. Sign up to the ITF Academy.

How can I subscribe to Coaching & Sport Science Review (CSSR)?

There is no method of subscription for the CSSR as it is available free of charge in an electronic PDF format. The latest edition can be accessed via the ITF Academy.

How do I get an article published in the ITF Coaching & Sport Science Review?

If you wish to have an article considered for publication in the ITF CSSR, please email your article to:

The word limit for CSSR articles is approximately 1500 words. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format with any relevant images and auxiliary files attached separately.

How can I be an ITF tutor or a speaker at a conference?

If you want to be an ITF tutor, you should have first been a tutor for your National Association or at a university. Candidates should have presented at national or international conferences/workshops and have an appropriate coaching or academic qualification. If you fulfil these requirements please email your resume in English to

Your resume will then be examined by the ITF and in the case of an opening, you will be contacted.

How can I get an ITF research grant?

1. Research Grants
This type of grant can either take the form of:
a) financial assistance provided to researchers towards the cost of salaries, travel, equipment and/or materials.
b) logistical assistance (no financial assistance provided) to those researchers seeking the help of the ITF in the dispersal of questionnaires, surveys etc.

2. Publication Grants
This type of grant comes in the form of a financial contribution made to researchers wishing to pursue the translation of tennis-specific materials such as books and/or videos. However, to be eligible for this type of assistance, the researcher must have organised for the publication of the material following its translation and approval by the ITF. No financial assistance will be provided to interested parties without this guarantee. Should you wish to apply for a grant, please contact