Draw Size:
Singles: 24
Doubles: 12
Singles: 24
Doubles: 12
Singles: 24
Doubles: 12
Entry deadline:
4 weeks before start dateTournament Director name:
Mr.Lee, Jong-YoonEntry fee:
USD700 5 Nights / 5 Breakfast / 4 Lunch / 5 Dinner Free Water / Player's PackTournament Director email:
wheelchairkr@daum.netOfficial ball:
TBCTournament key:
WC-ITF2S-KOR-2025-001Login to IPIN for full fact sheet information and to enter and withdraw from tournaments. If you do not have an IPIN membership please contact us
Venue Name:
Spo-1 ParkVenue Address: (View in Google Maps)
324 Cheyukgongwon-gil 399, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, 46207, Korea, Rep.Airport:
PUSContact information for the National Association responsible for hosting this tournament can be found here: