Draw Size:
Singles: 16
Singles: 16
Doubles: 8
Doubles: 8
Singles: 16
Doubles: 8
Singles: 8
Doubles: 4
Entry deadline:
4 weeks before start dateTournament Director name:
Martin ErniEntry fee:
The entry fee is CHF 120.- per player/coach/accompagnant and CHF 85.- for organizing club members and has to be paid in cash before the first match at the tournament-desk. It includes all meals (lunch on Friday to lunch on Sunday), the Official Welcome Drink & Players Night, the welcome bag and unlimited water/snacks during the matches. For players travelling by plane/train transportation is provided free of charge from Wednesday before the tournament start to Monday after the event.Tournament Director email:
martin.erni@hispeed.chOfficial ball:
Tretorn Serie+ Tour Swiss (Type 2)Tournament key:
WC-ITFFS-SUI-2025-001Login to IPIN for full fact sheet information and to enter and withdraw from tournaments. If you do not have an IPIN membership please contact us
Venue Name:
AARSPORTS GmbHVenue Address: (View in Google Maps)
Langgass 4, Birrhard, AG, 5244, SwitzerlandVenue Website:
ZürichContact information for the National Association responsible for hosting this tournament can be found here: